
Monday, June 29, 2015

Apple Cider Vinegar

It worked!!!  My second (and now third!) attempt of apple cider vinegar worked!  I'm so excited to share with you!

My first try failed miserably!  I didn't realize exactly what I needed to do, and it molded on top.  YUCK!  So, I tossed that batch and started over.  Here's how you do it!

I had made my recipe for Spiced Apples and had all the leftover cores and peels.  So, I put them in a mason jar (pack them down pretty good) and then filled the jar with filtered water.

Next, cover with a coffee filter (I secured it with the ring part of the lid, but you can use a rubber band instead) and set it at the back of my counter by the wall.  I have read that it really should be placed in a cool dark place, but I forget it is there and thus the moldy first attempt.  It worked leaving it out in the daylight just fine.  Every day, take a fork (or I have this masher (afflilate link) that I love!!) and push the apple pieces down under the water.  This step is VERY important because the apples have to be under the water in order to ferment properly and not mold.

Now you just wait.  It will begin to develop a whitish film on top.  This is good!  It is called "the mother" and it means that your vinegar is fermenting properly and is getting some really good stuff in it.  After about 2 weeks, I strained out the apples and returned the liquid to the jar and put the lid on it.  Then I set it up in my cabinet to continue to ferment more.  Feel free to taste it and once it has reached your desired vinegar-ness, start using it.  :)   That's it!  That's all you have to do!  It's simple and so good for you!!  

And now......a bit about life in the last few months!  It's been crazy!  Let's see, where to start.....Well, it's been raining like crazy, so we planted our garden late.  And then it rained and rained and rained and nothing grew.  So, we replanted.  And nothing grew again.  So, we bought plants and finally we have been seeing a little bit of the fruits of our labor (not sure why some of the pictures are turned around wrong....sorry about that).  

We also got cows!  We had a small steer calf and a bigger steer, but the coyotes got the calf (sad, sad day) so now we just have the bigger one.  Here he is!

Since the coyotes are so bad, we got 3 donkeys.  Here they are!!  They are a little far away, but they are starting to warm up to us, so hopefully we can get some closer pics soon!

This sweet girl turned 1!!!  I can't believe how big she is getting!!!

 (she did not like the party hat, but she loved the cake.....until I took it away.  
poor, sad adorable baby!)

 And this guy (my oldest baby) turned 6 (and all my party pics are on my camera....booooo!)!  It really was a fun party!

Birthday pancakes


Mike's nephew also got married, so we made a trip to Arizona.  It's been busy, busy, busy!!!

Anyway, thank you all for being patient and continuing to read my blog.  Be sure you check out my facebook page for more about our life as we learn how to be farmers!  :)

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