
Saturday, January 17, 2015

House update

Well, it's been a little bit since I posted about the house, so I thought I'd share some of the work we'd done.  The pictures really don't do it justice, but everything is turning out beautifully!  We've had to break from working on the inside of the house because we need to get the outside ready for spring and for our new animals, so we've been working on getting fencing up and figuring out how everything will be set up.  There's gonna be a lot of trial and error when it comes to all that.....wish us luck!

I wish I had some pictures of Shiloh's room, but alas, that was a complete fail.  I'm not sure if it was the glitter paint, or the glitter painter (me!) but it turned out splotchy.  So, we are going to try a different technique that my friend (thanks Carla!) tried on her daughter's wall.  She said it turned out great, so as soon as we get this fencing done and I get over to home depot to get the supplies, I'll get it done and will post a picture!  

We also ordered bunk beds for the boy's room, so once those come in and I get their room all situated, I'll post pictures of that too.  I'm so ready for my house to not be full of boxes!!

Ok, so here are some pics!!

This is our dining room.  The green really isn't as green as it comes across in the picture.  It's more of a muted sage color, not this strange green that it looks like.  This is so far my very favorite room!  It is beautiful and I love it!  I can't wait to get a table and chairs for it and get it finished up (right now it's full of boxes).

This is a ceiling fan we installed in the living room (thank you Lori and David for the gift card!!).  LOTS of light in this house!  No more shadows for us!

This is my lovely clock my mother in law Dru bought for me!  We never knew what time it was so she got this for me and I love it!  It fits perfectly with the feel and design of the house.

This is the living room.....please excuse the boxes and the toys on the floor, and whatever that is on the couch!  LOL!  We have since hung the tv on the wall.  OH!  And that stove in the!  It puts off so much heat and provides a nice and cozy atmosphere.  I love it!

My laundry room.  Once I get this completed I will be in love!  My sweet father in law, George, painted it for me and I love the color!!  I can't wait to get it finished.....a folding counter and a place to hang the clothes out of the dryer.....Yay!

I found this picture at walmart for $4.97!  What a deal!  haha!  
This is very true for our house!

Here's my sink, my picture and my clock!  

This is my home school room.  I am very please with how the room turned out and how Michael is doing in school.  He's so smart and just soaks up everything he learns!  He is so excited about learning and says he loves school!  I'm one proud mama!

This is a portion of the fence Mike and his dad put up.  
They did such a good job!  I am very proud!

Hard at work!!

Cutting branches!  
I was so nervous watching him doing this!!  
He finished up with all of his appendages intact!!

Stopping for a break.

What a cutie pie!

Watching her big brothers.

Ethan's turn to cut branches!

I love his expression in this one!!

Pretty sunset.  I love it here!

Well, that's all I have for now.  Not a whole lot that is completed, but some progress!!  Thanks for reading!  

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